
Blackberry, Rubus fruticosus, is a sprawling, thorny bush that grows to around 12 ft. and belongs to the Rosaceae (Rose) family. It has palm-shaped leaves with 3-5 lobes, white to pale pink flowers, and clusters of black-colored berries, per the name. It’s related to dewberry, R. caesius, which has fruit with fewer, larger segments and a blue bloom, and Raspberry, R. idaeus.

Blackberry is native to temperate areas of Europe but is naturalized in the Americas and Australia. She grows along roads, in open areas, in woodlands, and anywhere else when given the chance to take up residence.

The leaves are picked in spring and summer (for tea and medicinal uses), while the berries are picked in summer and autumn. Just get to them before the birds, rabbits, and deer. They love them.

The flowers will usually begin to appear in March-April, with plentiful berries appearing around June, depending on the area. You can, of course, find them earlier. (This is your hint to go scout the land and figure out what is going on in your area.)

The berries start off green, formed from the center of the flowers, then turn red like their cousin, the raspberry, and darken to nearly black with a staining, purple juice.

White blackberry flowers on my property.

I’m pretty sure everyone has at least heard of blackberries, and more than a few of you have first-hand experience with this delicious little berry–whether you have bought them from the supermarket or picked them yourself. She is an aggressive lady who easily spreads across wide swaths of land when left to her own devices.

Years ago, when we lived in town, we didn’t keep the yard mowed very well, and I managed to grow a nice patch of wild blackberries that made their way into our yard. The seeds pass through human and animal digestive tracts unharmed, which very much helps the spread of the plant, but it also spreads by rhizomes, making it super difficult to get rid of once it is established.

Blackberry hedges were used as defensive barriers by Native American settlements. If you have ever gotten snagged by the vine, you will know firsthand why this would have been so effective. Not only are the vines thorny, but once they prick you, they can cause skin irritation that itches like crazy–if you have sensitive skin like me, it can also cause hive-like whelps.

FORAGING TIP: The best berries will be in the hardest-to-reach areas, where not even the birds will venture. Long sleeves and gloves might do you some good, but I prefer to live on the edge of life and go bare-skinned despite the effect the thorns have on me. I like to be able to feel the berry so that I don’t accidentally squish it. With gloves, your sense of touch is hindered. Finger-less gloves work wonders if you want a little protection, though. I find it fun to try not to let the itching irritate me, but I may be weird.

Mind over matter!

But what if I told you there is more to the deliciousness of this little beauty?
What if I told you she is medicinal as well?

…The fruit, so beloved of wine and jam makers, has rich medicinal properties, full of vitamin C and minerals, as are the leaves.”

-Furnell (1985)

Leaves Contain:

  • Tannins
  • Flavonoids
  • Gallic Acid

Berries Contain:

  • Anthocyanins
  • Pectin
  • Fruit Acids
  • Vitamin C

Dioscorides recommended ripe blackberries in a gargle for sore throat. In European folk medicine, blackberry leaves have long been used for washing and staunching wounds. The leaves are very astringent, making them great in a decoction and used as a mouthwash to strengthen spongy gums and soothe mouth ulcers, as a gargle for sore throat, and ingested to relieve diarrhea and hemorrhoids.

Other Uses:

  • general health
  • diarrhea
  • mouth ulcers
  • gingivitis
  • sore throats
  • colds
  • flu and fevers


-Leaves should be picked in spring and summer while fresh and green. They can be used fresh in season or dried for winter use. Dry them in a shady area or indoors until brittle. Then, they will crumble easily. Store in jars in a cool, dark place.
-To make tea, put a few fresh leaves or a teaspoon of crumbled dry leaves per mug. Steep in just boiled water for 5 minutes, strain, and drink.

Dose: You can drink this tea all day long for general health. Make a double-strength infusion or a decoction to treat diarrhea. Drink a cupful every hour as needed.


-Pick berries when ripe. Check the heel where they come off the stem. You want the ones that are still white or pale green. If they have gone purple or dark, you don’t want them for this remedy, but rather than tossing them, save them for a cobbler!
-Put berries in a glass bowl and pour enough white wine vinegar to cover them. Vinegar can react to metal, so don’t use a metal bowl.
-Cover and let sit for 1-2 days, then crush the fruit with a potato masher or something similar. Strain juice through a sieve or jelly bag into a measuring cup. Take note of how much liquid you have.
-Pour in a saucepan and warm up. Turn off the heat, and add half the volume worth of honey. Stir until dissolved. If your mixture is too hot, it can kill beneficial enzymes in your honey. You only want it warm enough to dissolve the honey.
-Pour in clean jars, label, and keep in a cool, dark place. Oxymel does not have to be refrigerated but don’t keep longer than six months or so. You can pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it. Then, store in bags in the freezer for long-term storage.
-To use your oxymel, mix one tablespoon (or one oxymel ice cube) with a cup of hot water and drink before bed, or drink frequently to help relieve a cold.

Oxymel Uses:

  • general health
  • colds
  • sore throats

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Many blessings,
Emma Lee Joy

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